Normally everyone is busy in the daily life routine according to their culture, religion, city or state.  The cycle of daily life or routine never stops, it's keep going on and on. 

Life Never Stop For A Single second my friend never it was never it will wether what you are doing rest, sleeping, watching Netflix, eating, sick or tierd or what so ever it never stops for you. By the every minute of passing we still wish to stop the time "Oh How Good The Old Days Were" wasting time by remembering the past. 

Simiraly If a Person is going from some traumatized, someone close death or some personal issues doesn't it mean life stops, no it doesn't you just have to keep moving, it's obvious in these conditions we often feel depressed or having anxiety badly as it has become norms now a days but are you ready to giveup on your life so early? Why we think we loose we can't do this anymore?  Why? Just because someone doesn't care about us doesn't gave much appreciation or respect to us? Do we live for a single person or we live for ourselves with our family and friends ? (Ask Yoursel) 

Life Never Stop , Not For Once, Try Not To Give Up To Soon, You're Not Born To Get Stressed Or Anxiety, You're Born Not To Give Up. 

Fight For Yourself, Change Your Lifestyle, Be The One Who You Really Are! 

-Anas Farrukh 


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