Locked Up
From the last 13 years we are listening about are cellphones and social media is advantage or disadvantage for the society and still we can't hold up on a proper decision until now.
Cellphones were made to contact and to stay connected with each other but recently the era is totally changed, cellphones do connect us with others and similarly it is taking us far away from our close one's. We've forgotten the difference between social life and the real life. "Life Wasn't Mean About Just Scrolling or Sharing Memes".
Some of them are using them as a business key equipment and some of them using it for destroying someone's reputation, with these cellphones and social media we've become monsters for disgracing each other and just to let someone down on their personal judgement, we never think out of the world of social media we continuously lost ourselves in the world of social media, we stop thinking broader and instead of using our memory power or something we are relying on just the thing which is in our pockets (Cellphones)
I personally think that these social media has Limitized our thinking power and we're just creating a negative impact in real life due to look cool in Social Media.
-Anas Farrukh
Worth Writing